Speaking & Consulting Services
Dr. Offner is available to schools, colleges, and non-profit organizations for guidance about student mental health, faculty-staff wellness, and institutional policy. She is a regular presenter at regional and national independent school conferences. She also presents to parent and student audiences on various topics related to adolescent and young adult development, mental health, and education.
During the 2021-2022 academic year, Dr. Offner provided virtual services, including parent and faculty webinars, faculty “focus groups,” and leadership team consultation to schools. She also co-hosted webinars with independent school associations. Since that time, Dr. Offner has continued to offer both in-person and virtual programming.
Dr. Offner as a guest speaker
Dr. Offner enjoys appearing on podcasts, with the goal of increasing awareness of student (and teacher) mental health and wellbeing.
Listen to sample episodes below. Check Dr. Offner’s calendar of events to learn about her upcoming appearances.
The Right Mind Media Podcast
The Right Mind Media Podcast is an award-winning media group that broadens addiction and mental health awareness by discussing essential issues.
Smart Family Podcast
The Smart Family Podcast, hosted by Toni Nieuwhof & Dr. Rob Meeder, interviews experts to offer parents high-quality, practical advice. Their program helps parents understand the latest research in order to boost their parenting to the next level.
Too Dope Teachers and a Mic
Master’s In Psychology
Kevin Adams and Gerardo Muñoz were the only Black and Brown teachers in their school, respectively, who knew that they were meant to be BFFs when their former student Ella began to matchmake. In their podcast, Too Dope Teachers and a Mic, Kevin, and Gera seek to remix the conversation about Race, Power, and Education, which have always mingled since the foundation of the United States.
The Masters in Psychology Podcast explores graduate psychology topics and issues relevant to aiding students interested in furthering their education in psychology. The episodes comprise interviews with psychology professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, professors, students, researchers, consultants, etc. These interviews feature information and provide advice to empower students to make knowledgeable choices regarding their academic careers.
Sample Workshops
Faculty & Staff
Educators as “First Responders:” Mental Health in the Classroom
K-12 educators - whether by choice or necessity - tend to be keen observers of child and adolescent behavior. Classroom teachers, administrators, nurses, dorm parents, counselors, and coaches are routinely called upon to support students with a wide range of life circumstances and emotional vulnerabilities. We will consider the current child and adolescent mental health "landscape;" discuss best practices for responding to anxious or depressed students "in the moment;" and consider how we can collaborate with families - and each other - to maintain healthier, stronger campus communities.
Following the formal presentation, we will focus our conversation on participant questions and “case studies” from your own experiences.
Intended Audience
Classroom teachers, deans, division heads, nurses, coaches, counselors
Keynote Duration
60 MinutesWorkshop Duration
90 Minutes
Worried, Sad, or Mad? Anxiety and Depression in Children and Teenagers
In a K-12 class of twenty-five students, at least five will struggle with anxiety or depression significant enough to interfere with academic performance, peer relationships, or both. The tricky part is that these syndromes LOOK different in kids than they do in adults. Learn how to recognize how anxiety and depression manifest at different ages. Discover how you can intervene early & effectively in your role as teacher, administrator, coach, nurse -- and yes, parent consultant! During the discussion period, we will focus on participant questions and observations about your own students and school communities.
Intended Audience
Classroom teachers, deans, division heads, nurses, coaches, counselorsWorkshop Duration
90 Minutes
Proactive Parenting
You were hired to support students and families, but you find yourself spending as much time aiding distressed colleagues or advising your leadership team about interpersonal dynamics as you do working with kids! If this describes you, you’re not alone. This session addresses how you can effectively (and efficiently) support the other adults on campus. Explore the evolving professional and personal challenges facing your friends and colleagues. Join me for guidance and conversation about how student support professionals and/orschool leaders can support faculty and staff, maintain morale, prevent burnout and continue to foster strong relationships, professional growth and wellbeing for the adults who keep independent schools distinctive and strong.
Intended Audience
Heads, Division Heads, Deans of Faculty, School CounselorsWorkshop Duration
90 Minutes
School Leaders
Who’s minding the teachers? Supporting educator wellbeing during (and beyond) national crisis
Division and/or grade-level interactive sessions.
These sessions provide a developmental and clinical understanding of middle or high-school-aged children across multiple contexts (e.g. school and home). Depending on the grade level, sessions can include topics like helping your child adjust to middle school, navigating the college application process, or preparing for your child to leave for college. Parents are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time that will be addressed during the session. There is also time for live Q&A at the conclusion of each presentation. -
Intended Audience
Student ParentsWorkshop Duration
90 Minutes
School Counselors & Student Support Professionals
Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues have reached record levels in the K-12 population. There is a clear relationship between emotional difficulties, academic performance, and social functioning. Students struggling with their inner lives are not fully available to learn, and their emotional challenges can affect their relationships with peers, teachers, and school communities. As a senior administrator, you are called upon to support these students -- and their families -- in some of their most difficult periods. You also oversee the faculty, coaches, dorm parents, and staff who respond to distressed students “at the moment.” Finally, you play a key role in your school’s consideration of accommodating and engaging preoccupied or complicated students effectively in their classrooms and other contexts.
During this two-part workshop, you and your colleagues will gain confidence in talking with, understanding, and managing students with relationship difficulties, identity issues, family conflicts, anxiety, and depression. You will also learn skills and strategies for communicating and collaborating with their families.
We will begin with an overview of current trends in student mental health, then discuss ways to identify problems, talk with students, partner with parents, support and collaborate with colleagues. During the second half of the session, we will divide into small groups to brainstorm and problem-solve together in response to “real world” scenarios, dilemmas and predicaments that arise in all of our schools.
Intended audience
Heads, Assistant/Associate Heads, Division Heads, Deans
60 minutes
2–3 hours (morning or afternoon)
Leading Emotionally Healthy Schools
Consulting Services
Dr. Offner consults with schools on a range of topics. Her campus wellness “360” day visit provides custom educational content to students, faculty/staff, and parents through separate meetings over the course of a single day & evening. Following the visit, Dr. Offner provides detailed feedback from each constituency and suggests “action items” to your school’s leadership team. Other general consultation services include the following:
with optional inclusion of face-to-face consultation to students and families)
…for middle and secondary school counselors, psychologists, nurses, and physicians.
Crisis management
Understanding student wellness needs across a diverse student body
Developing an effective medical leave policy
Professional boundaries for educators
Faculty children/employee parents